Are You Tired Of Being Called Aggressive, Angry, or Intimidating?

I feel you!!! Been there, done that! I too got tired of always feeling like I didn't belong because I was either too loud, too opinionated, taking up too much space, or was too much for many. This workbook is my way of giving the middle finger to societal nonsense. Now I want to pass it on to you!Have you lost count of the times you've been called names for having a voice, for having your own thoughts and not conforming to the status quo? Do the phrase "you're a bitch" resonate with you?Well my friend, TODAY IS THE DAY you break that cycle! The cycle of letting that phrase or any other phrase dictate how you feel, how you show up, and what you are worth!You are perfect and the fact that you have a strong essence that seems to throw everyone off their square lets me know you have a mission to accomplish and I'm here for it. But first, we have to clear the fog. This workbook is here to help you take out the trash so that you can start owning your power.Imagine... What would it feel like to embrace your Beauty, your incomparable Intelligence and Talent? What would it be like to wake up Confident in who you are and Happy to lead each new day with clarity?
Most importantly, what would you do if the opinions of others could no longer stop you?
Well, you don't have to imagine, you have the answer at your fingertips and all it takes is for you to say YES to liberating yourself from it all and have a monumental breakthrough in just one week.Are You Ready? Let's Do This!

This Workbook Will Show You...

  • How to acknowledge and embrace your worth.

  • How to liberate all the talent you've been hiding and unleash the intelligence you've been gifted.

  • How to unapologetically walk, talk, and move through life without needing validation or permission from anyone else, EVER!

Here Are Some Testimonials From Women Who Were Done Playing Small.

Look At All These Fierce Baddies Who Took Their Life Back.

Meet The Author

Hey love, My name is Rosa Alejandra. I am an Emotional Energetics Specialist, Author, and Podcast Host.I have one of those stories in which I've won and fell off the winning wagon quite hard, but I will save that story for another time. All you need to know about me right now is that I've become the person I needed when I was down and couldn't see through all the damn fog and that means I can be that person for you.If there is one advice I could give to shift a limited perspective is: "Nothing happens to you, everything happens for you" All you need is to gain the awareness that will enable you to become the magical, creative, and unstoppable being you were meant to be. And my workbook is your first step.So if you are serious about becoming unapologetically unstoppable then I have no doubt I will see you inside one of my programs.Till then,
Cheers 🥂 to Living, Loving, & Leading Fiercely!

I look forward to meeting you and hopefully having the opportunity to be part of your grand journey. Till then, don't forget to have the courage to Live, Love and Lead Fiercely!

© 2024 Rosa Alejandra. All rights reserved.